People Experience Advisor & Life Coach Auckland, NZ


Please introduce yourself and describe your career. What do you do for a living?
Hello! My name is Katharina Blank, I am in my thirties and I am working as a People Experience Advisor (formerly known as Human Resources) for an advertising agency in Auckland, New Zealand. I am originally from Germany. I made the move to beautiful Aotearoa in 2018 with the intention of staying for just one year. But here I am, six years later, still loving every minute of it.

While I am juggling my HR job, I also discovered my love for life coaching a few years ago. Stumbling upon life coaching was quite the unexpected turn. But when lockdown hit during COVID, I took the chance to get trained up. Since then, running my own coaching side hustle has become a major part of what I do, both at work and in my personal life.

As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be so many different things! Growing up, I had been intrigued and curious about multiple careers - I wanted to be a TV moderator, Fashion Designer, Graphic Designer, Forensic Scientist and there was also a time where I was fascinated by NASA, exploring the cosmos and pushing the boundaries of human knowledge. I just thought it would be beyond cool to work for them.

What did you study? How much schooling do you think is required to get into your role? What could you have skipped?
Due to my various interests and not wanting to settle for one field, I decided to study Information Management and Corporate Communications, which is based on three pillars: Business Studies – IT – Communications and Design. This interdisciplinary approach allowed me to explore a diverse range of subjects, from technology and data management to branding, design and effective communication strategies.

I studied this in Neu-Ulm, Germany. If you are curious to find out more, here is the my University and what the potential career paths could look like:

My Bachelor's Degree gave me a great foundation and taught me a lot about myself. But I really believe you learn the most when you're out there doing it. It's all about getting hands-on and staying curious. Back then, choosing my studies felt daunting and overwhelming with all the options at hand. I was scared to make the wrong choice. But I've learned that nothing is set in stone and every experience brings us closer to where we want to be. Just pick a path that feels right for you at this moment and see where it takes you. You can always adjust, change direction along the way :)

Walk us through your typical work day—when do you start, end, and do all day? (Where do you work from?)

I am sure, everyone working in HR can agree, we are wearing many hats! To give you a glimpse into what I am doing: I handle everything from onboarding and offboarding - from helping newbies to settle in to waving goodbye to those who are leaving and a lot more in between. I am there for the entire employee journey. This also includes organizing cool stuff like training sessions, wellness events and keeping our HR policies in check. To give you a better idea, I am currently organizing a Meditation & Creativity Workshop as part of our Wellbeing Calendar. There is always a lot going on in our agency, which makes it a vibrant and fun place to work. But the fast-paced and hectic environment can be overwhelming at times. Offering workshops like these help to slow down, learn coping strategies and develop resilience to handle stress and workload effectively. While I can't force anyone to meditate, I can advise, share knowledge, and facilitate such activities to support their overall wellbeing and ensure they have the right resources at hand.

Working in HR, you are kind of the eyes and ears of the business, focusing on the people, which also involves a lot of listening, understanding and building relationships. In simple words, I am trying to create a great experience for everyone at work.

What do you enjoy most about your career? (What do you enjoy least?)
I love connecting with each individual, understanding their unique needs and providing support in whatever way I can. I really  appreciate the variety in my role. While the admin side of HR can sometimes feel like a chore, I also understand its importance in keeping things in order. 
When it comes to life coaching, I am passionate about exploring the deeper, often unconscious aspects of a person's experience.  I absolutely love uncovering the underlying truths that are often overlooked. It's been so cool seeing those 'aha' moments and celebrating the positive changes that come with them. It's like watching a light bulb go off – super rewarding!

What tools/resources do you frequently use? (Books, podcasts, mentors, wellness habits, software, etc.)

Movement is key for me—it's how I keep my energy up and stay grounded. My job requires a lot of mental energy and a lot of time is spent sitting in the office. I make sure I get out of my head. I like to do yoga or pilates before work and I make a point to get away from the desk during the day, go for a walk and clear my head with some fresh air. These little habits really make a difference in how I feel.

What advice would you give to someone who is trying to figure out what they want to do (for work) in general?

Just go for it! Find something that genuinely excites you and makes you feel alive. While not every day will be perfect, the majority should leave you feeling positive and energized. Don't overthink it – sometimes, logic can cloud your judgment. Trust your gut and make the choice that feels right. And if you're still unsure, don't be afraid to dive deeper and try different things. Experimentation can often lead to unexpected discoveries about yourself and your passions.

Do you have any mentors or key pieces of career advice that helped you get to where you are today?
Seeking support has been crucial for my growth. Even as a life coach myself, I understand the value of having my own life coach. It's a way for me to step back from the daily chaos and take a deep breath. It’s an important self-care practice for me. Having someone who listens without judgment, grounds me in the present moment, provides a reality check and helps me build greater self-awareness.

I've also recently started working with a mentor whose career path I'm inspired by. I decided to have her as my mentor to gain specific advice on how to navigate certain aspects of my career. Even though I'm clearer about my career path and what I want compared to my twenties, I still experience moments of doubt and confusion. These support systems are incredibly valuable to me. They've provided clarity and nudged me in the right direction, one step at a time.

Where can readers find/connect with you if they have questions? OR How can we support you? 

You connect with me on LinkedIn and also through


Meditation Teacher, Artist, Auckland, NZ


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