Musician, Podcaster, Storyteller, Naarm, Australia

Please introduce yourself and describe your career. What do you do for a living?
I’m a musician, podcaster and storyteller.

TONTS. is a podcast of in depth interviews about our emotional lives hosted by Claire. Each week she talks to writers, thinkers, activists, experts and deeply feeling humans about their stories.

As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I always wanted to be a singer and a writer.

What did you study? How much schooling do you think is required to get into your role? What could you have skipped?
I studied Primary school teaching with a diploma of music. I actually wouldn’t have skipped this degree as being a teacher taught me so much

What are some questions someone should really ask themselves if they want to get into your industry / career path? 

How do you like to work? What are you passionate about? Do you prefer your days to be consistent?

Was your path hard or smooth getting to where you are in your career? (Can you briefly describe what it was like on your journey so far?)
I’d say it has been a rollercoaster. I’ve done so many different jobs and interestingly I think none of it as been wasted. Teaching gave me so much creatively which then led into podcasting as the hours were flexible with the birth of my son. Listening to women’s stories for so many years and my rocky journey through m/otherhood then led to me writing my album Matrescence. This then developed into live shows and events as well as the making of a documentary that will hopefully be finished next year.

Walk us through your typical work day—when do you start, end, and do all day? (Where do you work from?)
Each day looks different. I always start early as my kids get up around 6am. It’s a roll into preparing them for school and daycare, the usual chaos of lunches and uniforms. Then I like to go for a walk in the bush or a run with my dog. After that I might be writing from home, answering emails, teaching singing after school or in the studio recording or rehearsing for an upcoming show. Each day is different. I like to be home as much as I can after school to see my kids and have dinner with them. Bath, Books and Bed. I go to bed really early usually as I need a lot of sleep.

What do you enjoy most about your career? (What do you enjoy least?)
I really love working creatively and having lots of ideas on the go. Experimenting and trying new things. Constantly learning and meeting people. I love performing and storytelling so much but I think my favourite thing is songwriting and recording in the studio. That process to me is magic.

What tools/resources do you frequently use? (Books, podcasts, mentors, wellness habits, software, etc.)
I’m really careful about what I consume depending on what I’m making. At the moment I’m listening to a lot of music as I’m making a new album. Artists including Lucy Rose, Feist, Florence, Missy Higgins as well as music that is really different to my sound. I love to listen to everything from classical film scores, to metal, folk music, to ambient/meditation music. Time in nature and meditation and breathwork is also key to me.

What is something you do when things get difficult? How do you handle stress/ challenges?
Slow time in nature particularly with trees, meditation and breath work. Exercise, water and sleep.

What advice would you give to someone who is trying to figure out what they want to do (for work) in general?
Start with what is in front of you. What lights you up about what you do now? How do you like working? We can often have these big imagined ideas about our dream job without really considering what it would be like day to day. Sometimes our jobs don’t need to be our passion. Think about how you can be of service, what feels good to you?

Do you have any mentors or key pieces of career advice that helped you get to where you are today? So many women who have been so supportive and wonderful. 

What excites you about the future OR what's up next for you in the near future? (Could be career-related, life-related, or even a future career pivot / path) at the moment I’m making a documentary about matrescence and I’m heading to Kenya to do a series of interviews and I’m so excited I feel incredibly lucky for the opportunity to tell women’s stories in this way.

Where can readers find/connect with you if they have questions? OR How can we support you? 

Instagram @clairetonti


Or at my website

You can connect with Claire @clairetonti or listen to her album, Matrescenece on Spotify. Her new single 'The Beast' launched on October 15th on World Pregnancy and Infant Awareness Day.


Best Selling Author and Digital Program Manager, Long Beach CA


Founder of Syssero and Systics, Jacksonville, FL