Independent Global Recruiter, Sydney, AU

Please introduce yourself and describe your career. What do you do for a living?
I am currently an independent global recruiter. I started my Consultancy in 2018 after leaving my role as Head of Recruitment for Wieden + Kennedy in the US. A role I held for around 5 years. Prior to my 'recruitment career', I spent a further 15 years in Account Management culminating as Head of Account Management for Fallon in London. I kind of kept reaching career highs and then needing to pivot to find new challenges for myself. It's worked out ok.

As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? Not a recruiter :) I mean does anyone wake up one day and say 'i wanna be a recruiter'. I think it's kind of a career most people fall into. I thought I was going to be a Lawyer.

What did you study? How much schooling do you think is required to get into your role? What could you have skipped? I studied Advertising and Marketing and that helped me get into an entry level role as an Account person back in the day, but I have learned most of the skills required to start my business over years of working experience. A Psychology Degree would probably help you be a good recruiter I guess, but I have found my relationships and work ethic have probably helped more.

Was your path hard or smooth getting to where you are in your career? (Can you briefly describe what it was like on your journey so far?) I am old enough to remember being underpaid and overlooked for roles that male colleagues got over me. And I didn't have a lot of examples of how to be a 'working mum' when I reached that point in my career. But overall, I haven't had a tough career journey. I actually feel like I have been very lucky. I have been in the right place at the right time more than once and I have had wonderful mentors and advocates throughout my career. I think most of my luck has come from genuinely hard work though. I really care about what I do and I think I have been given opportunities as a result. There is a lot to be said for work ethic.

Walk us through your typical work day—when do you start, end, and do all day? (Where do you work from?) My days are divided between time with Candidates and Clients, basically. I can have anywhere from 3 to 10 candidate calls in a day. Sometimes they are candidates I am after for roles I am working on, other times they are people asking for my help / advice on their own careers. And then most days I would have a meeting or two with 'clients' also. Either taking new briefs or sharing thoughts on open roles or debating the merits of a candidate or a list of candidates. A long day can involve a call with NY very early and a call with London very late and a lot of Australian and New Zealand calls during the day! Depends how many open roles I have going at that time. I also need to find time for research in their somewhere. I work from home sometimes, but I also share a Studio space with my husbands business and I have an office there I can use too.

What are some questions someone should really ask themselves if they want to get into your industry / career path? Do you have a deep amount of energy and empathy for other people's wants and needs? Because that is basically how Recruiters spend their days! Guiding people through their careers, giving advice, helping folks that have been laid off or overlooked etc etc. It requires a lot of listening and a lot of giving. If you find that rewarding, then it is a lovely way to spend your days.

What do you enjoy most about your career? (What do you enjoy least?) I enjoy getting to the core of someone's unique strengths. Finding what makes each person special and helping them find the right place to shine. It is a bit casting, a bit psychology, a bit matchmaking. When you get it right, you can really help people unlock their potential and that can be really rewarding. What do I enjoy least? Carrying the weight of people that are in trouble. When folks lose their job, get laid off, can't pay their bills, feel scared etc, I definitely carry all of that and some days it is heavy.

What tools/resources do you frequently use? (Books, podcasts, mentors, wellness habits, software, etc.) I do listen to a lot of podcasts in the Organisational Psychology space. I read a lot. Harvard Business Review and Forbes are particularly useful resources. As is the trade press globally to stay across the market dynamics. I spend time with other recruiters. It can be a lonely role, so I find that really helps. And I have become increasingly good at understanding my own boundaries and energy levels around how many roles and conversations I can take on at a time to be able to truly 'show up' for every one. I also like to upskill and study. I completed a Women's Leadership Course at Oxford during Covid and recently completed my Board Certification.

Lea giving advice at Awards School

What is something you do when things get difficult? How do you handle stress/ challenges? I am an introvert with a very extroverted job, so I know when I need some 'quiet time' and I am getting better and better at taking that. Everything from a walk with the dog to a wellness retreat depending on how depleted I am, but if I don't take it, it's not good!

What advice would you give to someone who is trying to figure out what they want to do (for work) in general?
Focus less on titles, salary, names of organisations, scale, hierarchy etc etc and think about how you like spending your days and what you are good at. The most successful people I have known throughout my career have figured those two things out.

What excites you about the future OR what's up next for you in the near future? (Could be career-related, life-related, or even a future career pivot / path) I am definitely looking for opportunities to leave the industry better than I found it. Looking for more opportunities to give back, mentor, impact the industry. Beyond my business. I want to write more. Maybe a book! Leave some kind of legacy I guess. Isn't that what we all want?!

Where can readers find/connect with you if they have questions? OR How can we support you?

I am at or on Instagram @mrswalkertc and of course, Linkedin


Equity Centered Systems Designer, Washington D.C.


CEO and Co-Founder, San Francisco, CA